Publications | GOZOUA Emmanuel
M. Gozoua Emmanuel
Emmanuel Gozoua1,2 · Rose Koffi‑Nevry2 · Yves Blache1, (2023). Potentiation of the antibiofilm effect of natural compound analogs in a marine bacterium by the cell permeabilization mechanism , Gozoua E., Koffi‑Nevry R. et Blache Y. (2023) Potentiation of the antibiofilm effect of natural compound analogs in a marine bacterium by the cell permeabilization mechanism. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 25(01), 154–163, Vol. 25(01), 154–163
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Emmanuel Gozoua123*, Romuald Sonan Assi3, Nestor Beda Kimou3, Rose Koffi-Nevry2 and Yves Blache1, (2023). Evaluation of the impact of the efflux pump modulation process on the anti-adhesion and antibiofilm activities of analogues of natural marine compounds in a marine bacterium , Gozoua123, E., Assi, R. S., Kimou, N. B., Koffi-Nevry, R., & Blache, Y. (2023). Evaluation of the impact of the efflux pump modulation process on the anti-adhesion and antibiofilm activities of analogues of natural marine compounds in a marine bacterium., Vol. Vol, 17(11), pp.269-277, Nov 2023
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KIMOU Béda Nestor1, KONE Abdoulaye1, Gozoua Emmanuel1, ATSE Boua Célestin2 and OUATTARA Issa Nahoua3, (2022). ANALYSIS OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE FISH FARM-MADE FEEDS: RAW MATERIALS, PRODUCTION AND PROXIMATE COMPOSITION , Nestor, K. B., Abdoulaye, K. O. N. E., Emmanuel, G., Célestin, A. B., & Nahoua, O. I. (2023). ANALYSIS OF CÔTE D’IVOIRE FISH FARM-MADE FEEDS: RAW MATERIALS, PRODUCTION AND PROXIMATE COMPOSITION. Journal of Global Biosciences Vol, 12(4), 9747-9759., Vol. Vol, 12(4), 9747-9759.
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Emmanuel Gozoua1,2 · Rose Koffi‑Nevry2 · Yves Blache1, (2019). Biofilm formation in marine bacteria and biocidal sensitivity: interplay between a potent antibiofilm compound (AS162) and quorum‑sensing autoinducers , Gozoua • E, Koffi‑Nevry R, Blache Y, (2019) Bioflm formation in marine bacteria and biocidal sensitivity: interplay between a potent antibioflm compound (AS162) and quorum‑sensing autoinducers. 3 Biotech volume 9, Article number: 338 (2019). https://doi.o, Vol. (2019) 9:338
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Conférence internationale
Emmanuel Gozoua1,2 · Rose Koffi‑Nevry2, Maelle Molmeret, claudine Baraquet · Yves Blache1, (2017). BioMicroWorld2017 Conference VII International conference on environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, 18-20 October 2017, Madrid-Spain , Gozoua E., Koffi‑Nevry R. Maelle Molmeret, claudine Baraquet et Blache Y. (2023) 2023, 25(01), 154–163, Vol. 25(01), 154–163